1. What kind of tree did you plant last fall? (The information should be in the last page of your notebook) You will create a page on your weebly that educates other people about your tree. You will also start taking pictures of the growth of your tree as spring and summer are passing by. Look back at your data collection for your tree. Look at the height from last fall and the number of buds/limbs. Now go out and start collecting new data and take weekly pictures as well from the very same angle and height! You are going to create a photo documentary of the growth of your tree as well as a weebly page with the following information.
2. Use the Arbor Day Foundation's website to research your tree. Answer the following:
list stormwater, property value, energy, air quality, CO2.
2. Use the Arbor Day Foundation's website to research your tree. Answer the following:
- Tell me what it is zoned for, what zone are we in,
- what type of tree is it
- tree height at maturity
- mature spread
- growth rate
- amount of sun
- soil type
- shape
- more info! attributes, description, wildlife value, history, moisture, leaves, flower color, bloom time, fruit description
list stormwater, property value, energy, air quality, CO2.